Let's Talk About S-E-X

Sex a 'hassle,' says 105-year-old virgin

Agence France-Presse | 10/10/2008 7:05 PM

LONDON - A British woman who celebrated her 105th birthday this week said the secret to long life was celibacy, adding that she imagined sex was a "lot of hassle."

Clara Meadmore, who marked her birthday with a drop of wine at the Perran Bay nursing home in Cornwall, southwest England, also received a card from Queen Elizabeth II.

"People have asked me whether I am a homosexual and the answer is no," Meadmore said.

"I have just never been interested in sex.

"I imagine there is a lot of hassle involved and I have always been busy doing other things."

Born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1903, Meadmore lived in Canada and New Zealand as a child before returning to Britain in her 20s to work as a secretary and housekeeper.

She served with the army in Egypt during World War II, and subsequently lived in London and New Zealand before retiring 40 years ago in Cornwall.

Hmmm, let’s just forgive the Lady…

---For she obviously doesn't know what she's talking about. :)


vernaloo said…

I have great respect for elders but I DON'T FREAKIN BELIEVE HER! Maybe she's just bitter or just denying the truth hehe
Panaderos said…
105 years on Earth gone to waste. :D I can't say that she's in a "better" place now. LOL
Anonymous said…
oh come on, give the old lady a break. at least, she didn't have to worry about contacting venereal diseases. it is just a matter of priorities, for her there are more important things in life, and s e x is not one of them..heehe.
Anonymous said…
HA HA HA HA ! It's the lady's choice so I cannot say anything against her will ! Hhhhm just curious not even once ??? COME ON !!!
Anonymous said…
That photo is HILARIOUS. LOL.

As for the women... she might've been born with low sex drive. Hormonally, maybe she's wired that way... It's possible.

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