June 6, 2006- 06/06/06/ - 666
Today in the Gregorian Calendar is the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the third millennium or in short it is 06/06/06 which many people especially those who believe in esotericism is the number of the beasts which was further reinforced by the Holy Bible in-- Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 18, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast: for it is a human number; his number is six hundred and sixty- six.” The number 666 which was attributed as the Devil’s number by blind followers of religious zealots is also studied extensively by mathematicians as well as cryptology and numerology enthusiasts for ages and you’ll be amazed by the hundreds if not thousands of results with both scientific and inane relevance to our beliefs and knowledge that will further lead us to think on how complex the human brain works. The study of Gematria came to the fullest here. It has affected a lot of people and even inspired a cult among heavy metal followe...